Friday, March 2, 2012

Tindouf airport, Tindouf, Algeria

Tindouf airport - military influenced town, small airport, slightly confusing staff, but not more than usually Arabic. Waiting is imperative.

Isabelle Mayoult - freelance journalist, lives in Beirut, family of peasants turned into teachers as 3rd republic emerged, great-great-grandfather change name to Mayault, political science graduate at Science Po Lille, worked also for Mediapart, works with Rick Roels, was on trip to Sahara for Sahrawi story and social issues in general, runs Mashallah News covering Arab world, reading Don Quijote and writing short stories, such as We are not a grain of dust, as she was hanging out with Algerian friends in her childhood. One day she will install 50% of women to power on all levels and see what happens. Let's wait and see. 

Tourette syndrome is something Isabelle does not have. Period.

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