Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gostilna As, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Gostilna As - one of the best and the best known restaurants in Ljubljana down town with recently renovated Aperitiv Bar. A must see and try if you want to be confident in discussing Ljubljana culinary scene. Or for any other reason. Recommended.

Pavel Škerlj - CIO at Vzajemna Insurance company, grew up in Tomaj and while his brother is today a recognized wine maker, he is only wine lover with WSET degree done at Robert Gorjak's Belvin, FRI graduate, worked for NIKA PID/PZU, KD Group and DZS, mountain biker, 3 kids, parallel reader: currently one by Milivojević and one by Ihan, TEDx event goer  introduced by Robert Kržišnik, is practicing Zen - recommends Peace Is Every Step and will one day help make all human communications and relationships more direct and honest. Mizu no kokoro.  

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