Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Maratonec, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Maratonec - not long after we have visited this particular place dressed up as Lotus Chinese restaurant with Martin Wirtz, Maratonec is back, where it once already was. For this occasion, Martin did "a bloglunch FORM" on me. It was an interesting experience.

Matej Golob - as joitted down about me over lunch by Martin, unedited:
"I have meet Matej Golob five or six times mainly through business. I have been lucky enough to be invited by Matej twice on a “blog lunch” and jolly nice they are too. It was after our last “blog lunch” that I realized that Matej was asking some fairly probing questions and gaining an insight into me – sneaky I though this will not do! So I decided to “turn the tables” on Matej and invite him to lunch so that his readers may also gain an insight. Matejs mother is from Maribor and his father is from Celje and he grew up in Menges. He regards himself as a true Stajerska with the long pockets and the very short arms. He is married to Petra and they have a 17 month old son called Tristen and they live in Siska. Matej seems to have a lot of close, not so close and positively distant “Golob” relatives he was telling me about a web site called – so far 800 Golobs. Matej would like to get a car full of Golobs and cross the border just to see passport controls reaction. While studding Matej worked at Allied Domecq and as a tourist guide – so a tourist guide and Allied Domecq ? umm I can see the connection. Guide me around the restaurants and wine cellars of Slovenia time certainly not wasted while studying! Having studied computer science and finishing his masters 10 years at IBM was next. Now Matej works for Interexport in charge of all things IBM. Matej has undertaken some long distance cycling! to Hungary, Germany – long distance I would not want to be his socks after such a journey ! Now he participates in marathons so needless to say the golf was to unchallenging walking after a small ball even with a handicap of 24. Submersible sailing seems to be new sport I had not heard of until Matej explained. The key is to get the deck line submerged and then try to sail – anywhere. Sounds like fun but I am not too sure it will catch on. “Users guide to the brain” is Matejs current reading and after several months still not finished. You might say the book has become a marathon to finish. It’s either a very thick book or ... Matej does not have the traits of a true Stajerska as he enjoys making someone happy by giving away things that have no worth to the Golob family by placing unwanted items on web sites - for free. He is even trying to “optimize” this, he sends an e-mail with a google map of directions where to pick the items up and places the items where they can be picked up without anyone being home. Matej is also a member of “giving the gift of giving” by helping 3rd world enterprises. So, if you are fortunate enough to be invited on a blog lunch with Matej ask as few questions !"

Yes, Maratonec is back. For good? For better?

1 comment:

Tadej said...

Excellent – and saying hi to Martin, we haven't had coffee in a while! ;)