Friday, August 5, 2011

Feniks, Komenda, Slovenia

Feniks - rather remote in PC Komenda, yet gratifies the visit with very nice ambient and great pizzas. They tried once with giro pizza slow food style. If you don't have to hurry to the airport, you might wanna stop here ...  

Teja Zupančič - marketing lady at Interexport with a very common Slovenian surname, grew up in Štepanjc, now lives in Trzin, FDV grasuate, worked also for Smart Com, danced hip-hop at Kazina, also under Miha Krušič watch, did Zumba under Viktorija Mazzini and sometimes Salsa by Buba of Domen's wife and will soon do Pilates, read Rachel Caine's Glass Houses series and did not like a recent Stephen King's book and will one day devote herself to design and create great works for those that cannot afford it.

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