Friday, April 1, 2011

Stari Tišler, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Stari Tišler - a nice, very old (traditional?) restaurant in the center. Spacious. With intriguing system of counters for labyrinth of rooms. In need of a proper Process Management System ... Food good, service good. Recommended.

Domen Dolar - Head of Application Development at ZPIZ - the national pension fund, stems from Breg near Žirovnica, spent study years in Ljubljana only to then return close to the roots in Radovljica to nest, his family is also running small hydro-plants, received Masters degree at FRI, worked for ZZI before joined ZPIZ, did a package of parachuting lessons and will soon refurbish that knowledge with a gift voucher, used to travel a lot with his wife Lucija - Alaska, South America, Africa, Japan among others - now they wait for their daughter to grow up a bit to kick start travel itinerary again, recently read: Into the Wild, Chris McCandless Alaska story. One day he will have a hostel or two in Slovenia, full of non-intrusive hi-tech gadgets and applications, written mostly by him. iHostel 3.0. A good friend of mine.

Like, Like, Like. Structured bin for plastic coffee cups. Provided by Automatic Servis at IBM Forum 2011, where Domen also presented their achievements at ZPIZ.

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