Thursday, March 10, 2011

Plato, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Plato - smack in the center. Upstairs and downstairs. Poshy. A bit. Waiter commented "you'll be sorry" when I did not order a drink with lunch. Attitude?

Matej Delakorda - Project manager interested in personal developement, IT and social change, grew up in Velika Pirešica near Žalec where they have presumably the biggest quarry in Slovenia, surprisingly was never involved in local hops business and doesn't drink beer, graduated in Social sciences at FDV, started working as a volunteer at Kiberpipa, was involved with company before joined Studio12 and is also running INePA, genuinely interested in developing human potential, does climbing, basketball and is reading The Divine Matrix, a vegetarian while his father is involved in meat industry, will one day totally devote himself to developing, sharing and demonstrating potential leadership within people. A way to lead indeed.

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