Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Shambala, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Shambala - chic, top location (not so hidden as the name Shambala - hidden kingdom - implies), a must for Asian-food goers. Recommended.

Polona Žehelj - her first week at IBM Slovenia as STG Sales Operations, used to work for Spark and KPMG, active scout made it to "starešina načelnica" status, knows well Igor Fakin's daughter, recently did trekking in Nepal, began to get serious in her running career and is reading Randy Pausch's Last Lecture.

Ditka Jeran - young researcher at University Medical Center in Ljubljana, used to teach biology, is currently involved in breathing-related neuroscience research, was recently very much involved in TEDxLjubljana events and is reading Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs and Steel.

Staff that works in this bamboo environment would let us talk even after it was close for closed party preparation. Nice move. Stern warning, mild enforcement :)

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