Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hotel Granit, Ohrid, Macedonia

Hotel Granit - it looks like this in peak season, not in May. Fortunately or unfortunately. Was nice anyway, though distance to Ohrid downtown is not very appealing.

Vukosava Crnjanski Sabovic - founder and CEO of NGO LiNet, the engine -the truth gauge in politics, a noble idea well worth funding. Interviewed by Milena, related to Milos Crnjanski, a poet of the expressionist wing of Serbian modernism, switched MAS for FON, has 1 year old child, just finishing Cotrugli EMBA and temporarily defuses on long walks with her dog.

Dragan Bogavac - not the (slightly more) famous Montenegrin footballer, but a serious tennis player working in pharmaceutical wholesale business, born and raised in Belgrade, used to work for Pharmaciens Sans Frontier, little less known brethren of MSF, has 6 year old son being trained by Vukasin Visnjevac, is reading Welches' Winning, is finishing Cotrugli EMBA and will one day devote himself to education and coaching in personal development direction. Zen.

Whatever it is meant to mean, don't do it. Hotel Granit staff. (Meant to mean?)

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