Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tukan, Sofia, Bulgaria

Tukan. The pizza place. According to Alexander, the best pizza in Bulgaria. Aha. Peshterska is not very recommended. Go for Burgas 63. agrees. :)

Nedko Petar Kolev - WebSphere sales specialist at IBM in Bulgaria. Sofia native, roots in Haskovo where they make Astika beer, Bocconi graduate and IBMer since. Known as joke dispenser, is reading a book about Bulgarian diplomats eating ducks from Hyde Park in London, is getting info from - like millions of Bulgarians. Will have lots of kids, travel and produce movies.

Alexander Madzhirov a.k.a. Sasho - WebSphere BPM Tech Specialist for IBM CEE region. Plovdiv origin, one of the founders of perfumery and cosmetics association in BG, worked also for Center for Democracy studies, Applied research and Communication fund, IDS Scheer and was director of Masters program at New Bulgaria University. Knows the author of the book that Nedko is reading, collects instruments, many sourced from, has 1 year old malek Sashko, shoots rabbits and squirrels with Stoeger X50 air gun, reads Bulgarian chronicles by Tsanev. He will add more fishing, more university and more selective consulting, while watching series like Desperate housewives and movies like Lie to Me. Amen.

Why the long face, Carlos? Hefty.

1 comment:

nichdiekuh said...

I stumbled upon your blog on Google and since you also seem to have a thing for lunch, you may find this site interesting: I'd be happy to see some more places from all around the world, like Bulgaria!