Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hotel Ilica, Zagreb, Croatia

Hotel Ilica - very old fashion type of decoration. Lot's of it. Definitely catering to someone's taste.

Tamara Sisic (Šišić) Kramer - on the left, Product Manager at Abbott, her first employer. Enjoying intensive time at Cotrugli EMBA, has had red hair for quite a while now. Recently married, reading A Whole New Mind and will give back a lot more in the future. Who is going to be on the receiving side?
(Nataša) Natasa Zibelnik - on the right, Market Access Manager at GSK, but first and foremost a devoted music soul. Her roots are in Sentjur and Celje area, likes music and also enjoys her Cotrugli EMBA flow this year. Freak or Frik - not her, but her dog.

Hotel Ilica has, I believe, strong affiliation to Bas restaurant. By decoration for sure.

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