Thursday, December 4, 2008

Playa, BTC, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Playa - "... fancy bar inside of BTC center gained notoriety for being co-owned by one of Slovenia's better pop stars, Jan Plestenjak." as described by the newly released Ljubljana edition of InYourPocket (IYP). Niko was/is the major force behind IYP Ljubljana.

Mojca Gabrovsek (Gabrovšek) - founder and manager of Buši, the high end baby retailer. Grew up in Trzin and currently lives in Selo pri Ihanu - not the very best of names - she already suggested a change. Ph.D in genetics and later two sons, who eventually turned her career from science into retail - for now. Loves to read autobiographies - such as by Felix Dennis - and the current one is by Erazem Pintar. She was recently among the 6 finalists of Cotrugli Executive MBA Scholarship contest and if she would ever get fed up of creating successful companies, she would channel her energy into developing and protecting sustainable habitat for animals like corals and turtles. Somewhere down the road she will probably also write one - autobiography that is.

1 comment:

BUŠI - Le najboljše za vaše malčke! said...

Dober je bil tale cocktail jagode s kumarami!