Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kratochwill BTC, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Kratochwill BTC - one from the Kratochwill chain of restaurants, located in BTC shopping center. Good beer, good pizzas, big terrace. As the temperature is rising, the shopping is intensified. Summer is almost here.

Aleš Cerin (Čerin) - founder of Edusatis, a company specialized in helping generic pharmaceutical companies comply with regulation in drug production quality and also find better ways to communicate, capture knowledge and share ideas - also via Eduwikis and Open Space (Odprti Prostor) workshops. Before starting on his own he worked for Lek, is very engaged in scouting scene - member of ISGF, ran a couple of marathons (one time also 144km in 24 hours) and is currently reading Covey's The 8th Habit - From Effectiveness To Greatness. He also does wiki gardening - a very good phrase for facilitating wiki collaboration and maintaining order. Preparing the ground, taking out the weeds ...

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