Thursday, May 15, 2008

Argentino, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Argentino - a big steak house with amazing vast interior, located in BTC in Ljubljana. Good service, simple self explanatory menus. Giant Certified Argentinian steaks, to regain energy after exhausting shopping in the neighborhood. Recommendation.

Tadej Dragas (Dragaš), project manager at Smart Com, also responsible for Russian market. Originally from Novo Mesto, moved to Ljubljana to study at FRI and later as an exchange student moved to Jyvaskyla, Finland to graduate at JAMK. Worked for Buildercom and Iskratel, where he met his Russian wife and is in the middle of Cotrugli CBA MBA study. His previous car was full of powerful audio equipment such as Digital Design, belongs to dBastards team and is nowadays still involved in pimping up his new Honda - as much as his one year old son allows him. Reading MBA stuff and recommends Business at the Speed of Thought. With extra time and money he would pimp up old car models with high tech, as they do on Discovery Channel, while his wife would probably still spend a lot of time on, the Russian version of Facebook.

Digital Design Z series - the most advanced Digital Design Subwoofer.
"Digital Designs has acquired the rights to use Ned magnetics in non-military acoustic weaponry and the peaceful development of humanistic cohesion through harmonizing wave generation."

IBM Z series - the most advanced IBM mainframe computer.

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