Monday, January 21, 2008

Moods, Sheraton Jumeirah, Dubai, U.A.E.

Sheraton Jumeirah - one in the countless number of high class hotels you can find all over Dubai. It seems they have an affinity for pure white luxury cars. White BMW 7, white Bentley, white X5. Demand driving supply. No end in sight.

Johnny Keklik - Software Account Manager at Gulf Business Machines (GBM) covering Qatar. Half Turkish and half Syrian origin, born and raised in Ludwigsburg, Germany. After a short stop in Germany, his family was supposed to follow their relatives and move to USA (hint for his name), but his father was getting more and more successful in car export business in Germany, so they stayed. He worked for IBM in Germany, switched to Oracle and after moved to GBM in Dubai. Played football in 3. Liga, doesn't really read books, but did read Malcolm X Autobiography. Given a lot of excess money, he would first help his more or less distant relatives in Turkey to climb pout of near-poverty to a dignified level.

Sorina Ghita - Tivoli Sales lady working at IBM in Romania. Born, raised and educated in Bucharest, worked for Crescendo and Net Consulting mostly on HP OpenView platform and in 2007 decided to come to IBM, get bluewashed and support "the red brand". She is reading Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill, but also likes Milan Kundera and Pascal Bruckner. She shoots pool a lot and is pretty good at it. Her future fortunes will go to help and development of poorer areas in Romania that are unfortunately not that rare occasion there. As she would fix that, she would go around the world and visit all the interesting spots on this planet. Bon voyage.

Desserts in Sheraton are really delicious. Fighting the craving becomes unbearable.

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