Nice Asian place in Corinthia Towers hotel.
Yes, Asian place ...
... with smoking department outside.
Colin Jones. Direct marketing services specialist. Working for Linea Directa. Born and raised in Billingham, Colin is a Newcastle United freak. Brits live on an island, but still have the nerve to call themselves Southerners and the other insignificant :). Not being "one of them" would earn you some really weird looks in pubs. He worked in Nottingham, Ljubljana and now in Bratislava. His grandparents were coalminers in Durham County. Ljubljana invasion with Easyjetters -sleazyjetters. That was kinda funny. Bratislava example of discrimination: Brits get charged far more for admission to Charlie Club. He finished Nottingham Trent University, major in political science. His past time consists of beer. Good beer. And, of course football. Newcastle United. And there's place for music. Guitar. In his wildest dreams he would own and manage Newcastle. What else. "Freddy Shapherd is a fat fuck and I hate him."
Sticks'n'beers'n'rice'n'prawns. N'ice.
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