Monday, November 6, 2006

Profil, TR3, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Having lunch with a very valuable set of highly skilled IBM technical specialists and IT architects in Profil restaurant inside TR3 skyscraper in center of Ljubljana. They are all part of IBM Software Group in Slovenia.

Franc Cervan (Červan) is Tivoli Technical Specialist and Consultant. After finishing FER, he worked for Ministry of Interior, Eurocom and now IBM. Outside of IT line, he used to be also a real estate agent for a short while.

Andrej Crepinsek (Črepinšek) is Head of IBM Software IT Architects in the region. He finished FER, continued working there in a LAB for a while, earning his M.Sc. and later joined IBM.

Silvo Mlakar is Software IT Architect. He worked for Iskra, ITS Intertrade and now IBM .

Janez Ciringer, IT architect. Finished FERI, worked for Birostroj, MORS, Microsoft and IBM.

(Sašo) Saso Prek, our veteran specialist for System z (Mainframe) platform software solutions. If you wanna have a bullet proof IT solution, you wanna know these guys.

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