Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Happy Grill Bar, Sofia, Bulgaria

With Ian Hancock, IBM Tivoli Storage specialist who is not John Hancock. John Hancock is a phrase used for signature.We were waiting to be seated and had a couple of beers.Kamenitza is the local beer. Good.All of a sudden the waiting girls started dancing.Menus are full of selection. Salad galore. Salad-o-rama. My kind of place. Tropicana Salad and Cheese bits in bread. Nice place. And waaay cheap. Drinks and food for two = 10 EUR ???
Zemanta Pixie

1 comment:

jaka said...

Happy Grill rules. Mogoče je ta bugarska hrana na žaru malo brez okusa, če mene vprašaš. Vedno se mi je zdelo, da ful varčujejo z začimbami, vsaj za moj, srbskega žara vajen okus.