The dinner wa very good, but the whole evening was still under the influence of the events, that took place in the airplane flight from Ljubljana to
Zurich. The seat next to me was empty. But not entirely.
The Grim Reaper was sitting silently there. In the middle of the flight the young girl passanger passanger in the seat in front of me would be touched by death. She would start having really big troubles with breathing. Both stewards were trying to help here with little effect. She was given additional oxygen. She fainted. They laid her down and sprayed with water. the whole plane was counting minutes to landing. They very desperately trying to keep here alive. I moved to the back row. Immediately after landing the ambulance crew would board the plane and take the girl. Presumably still alive. We were all shocked. Imagine: one day you board a plane, take off alive and land dead. In the evening I met
Alex Wahl, Tivoli Channel Manger EMEA and we had a beer. And a
greek salad. Long live ...