Thursday, November 15, 2007

River House, Ljubljana, Slovenia

River House is a relatively new place on the bank of Ljubljanica river in Stara Ljubljana. And a fine place it is. A definite recommendation.

Kamenko Kesar - a long time successful Microsoft PR-marketing-mash-up person turned into founder of his own corporate-communication-in-a-broader-sense agency called Adrema. Maribor native, moderator of Blogres - recent bloggers' gathering in Ljubljana - has significant online presence, also due to his Ideja blog. Although he is already consistently beating Filo at tennis, with loads of time and money he would still get himself world's top instructors for tennis, guitar, golf and many other activities where he would go beyond his limits. His last book was The Art of Rhetoric and his all time favourite is Gladwell's The Tipping Point - both of them most probably bought at Amazon UK. All of you time-strapped out there can always get the taste of these books at getAbstract dot com.

Very stylish toilet. For the rest of the interior you are "kindly urged" to come and see the place yourself in person.


Unknown said...

A je v ajbiemu spet travel freeze, da si skoz v LJ? :-)

Matej said...

Travel Freeze je vedno prisoten :)
Ljubljana pa je tudi lepa, ne?
Se bo kmalu spet začelo ...
Kdo je "josip blog", če ni skrivnost?

Unknown said...

JBT je ex-IBMer ... :-)