Friday, May 11, 2007

Falafel (Trubarjeva), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Falafel. Arab fast food place on Trubarjeva street.

Served with love (e.g. plastic plates):
Kubbe, Fatayer and royal highness Falafel themselves.

Katja Kogovsek (Kogovšek) - helping to create and maintain positive (and honest) image of IBM in Slovenia. Born and raised in
Maribor, recently moved to Ljubljana and her family also have a weekend house in Gornja Radgona, right next to where Marko Coklin was born. Who is Marko Coklin? Soon to be found out ... Graduated at Faculty of Social Sciences - majoring in Marketing Communications - now engaged in postgraduate study with the topic being Second Life. She worked for a lot of organizations during her study (mostly in marketing and PR), among them Studentska Arena, Studentska trznica, RTV (assitant to Jani Virk), SOU and now IBM. She was part of the team awarded at SOF in 2006 for Blisk project. She likes to travel. A lot. Alone if possible. She cruised through big part of Australia and this year she's going to California. She spends considerable amount of time also in Second Life - also due to SL being the subject of her study. Avid badminton player, salsa dancer and swimmer. Oil painting, too. Given a lot of financial resources and extra time, she would most probably travel a lot more, meet new people and paint. She would take a group of her best friends with her and move from country to country without anything ... resembles a hippie movement :)

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