Friday, March 2, 2007

Atrium IV, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The homeless. Paid them 5 EUR for this picture.

Atrium 4 on rainy Gornji trg in Ljubljana.

(Blaž) Blaz Kos, entrepreneur and networker. A lot about him on his own blog: His Economics/Management study is still an open chapter. He was involved in event organization, network marketing, started company and now works for LUI and is also at the mysterious Core. Blaz also helped Gospodarski izzivi to be a successful story. Soon he will leave to USA excursion with colleagues from FRI - Computer Science Faculty. His wildest dreams just changed from having his own global corporation, to having his own country. Among latest books are Freakonomics, Kiyosaki and The Art of the Start, What drives people? According to Funky Business, it's one or more of the seven sins.

Red Atrium 4.

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