Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Emonska klet, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Another nice IBM ladies couple: (Živa) Ziva Lencek (Lenček) and Petja Rogelj. Ziva is still studying (FDV Media Science Marketing) and prior to IBM she was working at Sinfonika. If you are an IBM partner and have already stumbled upon (sometimes very intense) complexity of IBM, she is the one that turns on the light at the end of the tunnel and help the ride to be smoother and according to regulations. ( Petja used to work for Vita Commerce as she was studying. Now at IBM she is the reason why more and more smaller (but growing) IT companies want to work with IBM in the lower end hardware and storage area. ( Discussion was among others also about Sinfonika and mutual funds in Slovakia. Waiter in Emonska Klet was asked to recommend (in English language) which pizza is preffered. He did not want to do that and we have this on video :)

Zemanta Pixie

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