Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gostilna Livada, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Livada - they excel in serving big groups. Crowdfooding.

Aleš Muha - Project Manager at A-Soft, calls Horjul his hometown, surname has Czech roots, Tadej's brother, about to graduate at EF, worked for NLB investement banking arm, was Head of IT finance at Lek and SLA manager for Sandoz group, and now serves as BPA at Viator&Vektor. His blog combines cycling + gourmet, has 6 years old daughter, is reading in parallel The creative manager and Female brain (what?) books, will one day have his own F1 team and bike shop with best mountain bikes for symbolic price. For friends.

A-Soft, B-Soft, C-Soft ... all together now ...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Evergreen, Smlednik, Slovenia

Evergreen behind the green. Great restaurant and lounge. Especially for avid golfers. Diners kind.

Igor Koščak - Head of direct Sales at Infonet Media, has roots in Canada, lives in radomlje, Peter Koschak is his uncle painter, graduated at FM in Koper, worked for Manpower, before he was snatched by Leo Oblak's Infonet. Avid tennis player, had same coach Breskvar as Boris Becker, recently read Armchair Economist and will probably be sales trainer even for free as that's what he likes to do and is very good at.

Dino Ivan Tot - CEO and partner at Media Lab, the company behind 1naDan, Slovenian Groupon wannabe, born and raised in Rijeka, Croatia, lives in Ljubljana as he moved to Slovenia because of study, graduated at FRI and about to finsih Cotrugli EMBA, still has Totalia IT consulting company and was never employed, likes fishing parangal, plays squash and tenis, avid skier, currently reading Gladwell's outliers and will keep spawning new businesses in his life.