Friday, September 24, 2010

Ljubljanski Dvor, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ljubljanski Dvor - pizzeria with long tradition and perfect location. Last time inside, this time outside.

Jan Bajerski - WebSphere Connectivity portfolio Community of Practice Leader for IBM in CEE. Warsaw native, Gajdzica was his peasant ancestor with big library and ex-libris, WUT graduate, worked for IBM GBS on PeopleSoft integration project for TP, Ultramarathon runner, Puszcza Kampinoska among them, he also did 100km Kierat in mountains in 22 hours, has 3 kids and will one day do tour around Mount Blanc while spending more time with his kids.

100. Biggest selection?

Mother taking the young. Child labour?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Durumce, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey

Durumce kebap place, also featured on Foursquare, social geo-tagging service. Good kebap. Good company.

Konstantin Yurov a.k.a. Kostja Matroski - WebSphere Tech Sales and Services Manager for IBM CEE. Grew up near Zhukovsky Air Base and started his career as Plant 402 civil aviation translater, maybe he also worked for Roga i Kopita, is currently in the middle of second volume of Anna Karenina, reading it on Asus PDA and spends a lot of time cutting grass. One day he will have a Ride on Mower for his even bigger grassland. Green on.