Vinos - a very old, very traditional (read: never upgraded) Spanish wine bar. A different experience. Very. For those who need to try everything. And for those that want to put things into perspective.
Marko Raubar - for a while still vice CEO of
Housing, before joining IBM in Slovenia as WebSphere sales. Grew up in Koper with
Kras roots, worked for
Tobacna and
Magistrat International, as an avid mountaineer climbed
Triglav 4 times and can also serve as handball referee. Having an almost 2 years old kid, he's reading parenting books, recommends a great wine place
Cejkotova domačija in
Goče in Vipavska dolina and will one day nurture his own vineyard. Cheers!
Tom Boonen - recently appointed
ILOG Sales Leader at IBM in CEE Growth Market Region. Born in Belgium to father veterinarian, knows the other famous
Tom Boonen through wide Boonen family gathering, lived in Moscow, Vienna and now back in Belgium. Worked for Microsoft, is a parallel reader, currently crunching on
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. When too much money will not allow him to work for it, orphans around the world will benefit. Immensely. Whatever events and ideas spin around his world, the center of gravity remains with his kids Nathalie and Stefanie and wife Svetlana.

prosciutto! Hang on there!