Mediterran - a really nice restaurant in the old part of Košice. Recommended. Great ambient and impressive selection of wines. Košice - mesto, ktore to vie.

(Maroš) Maros Vrabel - Software Channel Representative at IBM Slovakia. Born in Bratislava and grew up among other places also in Lybia, Poland and Hungary. EUBA graduate, and also worked for FirstData. Member of Slovak Free Diving Team, recently Flattened the World and is now Processing Kafka. Processes all around us.

Richard Sufliarsky - WebSphere Technical Specialist at IBM Slovakia. Raised in Krivan (the village, not the mountain), where dogs go in the hut only at -23 Celsius :) STUBA graduate, worked at Gratex, at Soitron for HP and ViaSec. Used to ride heavy street bikes, has two daugthers and also recently Flattened the World. Rising interest in Forex trading and when the promises of Forex will come true, he will devote his energy into flat design and reconstruction and sea water desalinization - among other goodies for humanity. Refreshing.

With Mediterran interior you can instantly forget about snow and Slovak winter outside ...