Eating out and writing about.
Interesting places, interesting people, interesting conversations.
Blog Lunch. Blog Dinner. Blog Drink.
Always new people, always new places.
Marko Angelski - a.k.a. Lesath, consulting on and helping set up and maintain IT environments for SMB companies. Born and raised in Lubljana. His father Risto is Macedonian and famous cardiologists - come to think of it, you don't really want to know him. His grandfather is a journalist/correspondent for Nova Makedonija in Ljubljana. Despite all that, Marko has never been to Macedonia, yet :) Hi finished FE study in nine years - in line with new nine-year elementary school program :) He plays in Double Bass (a.k.a. Contrabass) in The Poušters band. His company is called Fiduro - Fidus being faithful and trustworthy. He also danced in France Marolt Folk Dance Group and he has a motorbike. Latest book devoured was Peter Mayle's A Good Year. There's also a movie based on that novel. Getting rid of time/money limitation, he would make the story from "Some like it hot" his reality.
Alan Gregorec - engaged in continuous search for diverse investment ideas and their realization with a group of like-minded partners and friends. He was born in Cakovec to Croatian mother and Slovenian father, moved to Ljubljana at age of 7 and lived there since. EF graduate, during study worked as tourist guide (mostly for CMT) and later in marketing departments at Playboy and Podravka, before he decided to leave the comfort of corporate cubicle to pursue his vision on "trnova pot". When younger he tried boxing and played tennis. Today he is engaged in improving his Golf handicap. Cars were also one of his passions: Swift GTI, Civic VTI ... His latest book were Women by Charles Bukowski and he is happily attached like PDF. Without limitations, he would run his own hotel chain and help to eliminate domestic violence.
Gallo. A very nice restaurant with good food, wine and service. Let yourself be seduced by recommendations and enjoy.
Peter Jopling - establishing and maintaining a good working relationship with big IBM Alliance partners in Tivoli Security space. He was born and raised in North Yorkshire and lives in Winchester now. He's been working in IT security related jobs for 20 years now, among companies were: GEC, Axent (acquired by Symantec), Platinum (Acquired by CA) and now IBM Tivoli. He used to play rugby and nowadays a lot of his free time is devoted to horses - his wife is pretty good in treating horses in "The Horse Whisperer" way. There are two rugby leagues in UK: NRL and RFUGieves&Hawkes are makers of very nice shirts among others. Saville Row, what else :) Peter will buy himself an Aston Martin and maybe some more horses and bigger estate for them to run on.
Martin Borrett - specialist and consultant in Tivoli Security portfolio with Federated Identity Management being his most recent expertise. He can effectively show you the value in corporate IT identity management. He grew up in Croydon part of London and later moved to Southampton, mostly due to sailing reasons. He used to work for a smaller computer company in Luton before he joined IBM where he also worked on OS/2. His by far most most favourite free time occupation is sailing, sailing and sailing. He is a proud owner of BMW M3 and with truckload of money, he would do even more sailing and have his own Formula 1 racing team.
In Gallo they don't have one, but two pianos. Imagine that. The only thing missing was a piano player. Or two :)
Falafel. Arab fast food place on Trubarjeva street.
Served with love (e.g. plastic plates): Kubbe, Fatayer and royal highness Falafel themselves.
Katja Kogovsek (Kogovšek) - helping to create and maintain positive (and honest) image of IBM in Slovenia. Born and raised in Maribor, recently moved to Ljubljana and her family also have a weekend house in Gornja Radgona, right next to where Marko Coklin was born. Who is Marko Coklin? Soon to be found out ... Graduated at Faculty of Social Sciences - majoring in Marketing Communications - now engaged in postgraduate study with the topic being Second Life. She worked for a lot of organizations during her study (mostly in marketing and PR), among them Studentska Arena, Studentska trznica, RTV (assitant to Jani Virk), SOU and now IBM. She was part of the team awarded at SOF in 2006 for Blisk project. She likes to travel. A lot. Alone if possible. She cruised through big part of Australia and this year she's going to California. She spends considerable amount of time also in Second Life - also due to SL being the subject of her study. Avid badminton player, salsa dancer and swimmer. Oil painting, too. Given a lot of financial resources and extra time, she would most probably travel a lot more, meet new people and paint. She would take a group of her best friends with her and move from country to country without anything ... resembles a hippie movement :)
Rainy early May day in Ljubljana. Oliva is located across the street from Hermes Softlab, one of the biggest IT shops in Slovenia. Jaka's girlfriend works for Hermes in Banking customers support team.
Jaka Stermenszky - in charge of sales at his family business Čuri Muri - making sure that Slovenia has enough supplies of China imports - a lucrative business in these days. He was born and raised in Ljubljana. Stermenszky is not a very common surname in Slovenia - the origin is probably from Austro-Hungarian times. He just returned from China where he was visiting their suppliers - and yes he can confirm it, too - China is booming and changing its face year to year. Jaka is an avid Scuba diver. That really is a big part of his life. He also did quite a lot of Sky diving. There is something about Jaka and "diving", I believe. His latest book was Da Vinci Code. One day he will buy a small submarine, which will be parked at his very own Scuba resort on a nice beach. Some day :)