A special pizza with live alien worms a.k.a. chilli peppers :)

Tomaz (Tomaž) Pelko - IBM Global Financing and Quality Management guy. If you want to improve your IT infrastructure, but you don't want to ar can't pay up front, he can arrange you a good leasing offer. There were several branches out of our discussion. We touched on the difficult situation of translation of high-tech terms. One one side legislation and respect to local language makes high-tech vendors translate the terms and texts, but on the other hand users don't understand the translated terms. One of the more capable companies for translating IT texts (and also IBM specific) to Slovenian language is ZOP http://www.zop-cr.com/Prevod/index.html If you didn't know, besides being the biggest IT company, IBM is also the biggest leasing company for computer equipment. The financing arm is called IBM Global Financing (IGF) And IBM doesn't lease only IBM equipment ... http://ibm.com/financing As we were talking, a cat caught a live pigeon just next to the tables. We were experiencing National Geographic type of action in the very center of Ljubljana. A lesson from table manners (bonton): Toothpicks are not supposed to be on the table and they should be used away from the table - outside or at the rest rooms. That's how it is supposed to be at least. http://www.simonsays.com/content/book.cfm?tab=1&pid=408653&agid=2